Denny byl můj první tibeťáček. Byl to úžasný pejsek, milý, přátelský a temperamentní, jak můžete vidět v galerii. Bohužel, ve věku 11 měsíců tragicky zahynul. Jeho zvídavost a inteligence byla obrovská a tak se naučil ve spolupráci s Jerrym otevřít vrata, což Jerry za 10 let nikdy sám nedokázal.
Denny was my first tibetan terrier. He was a wonderful dog, nice, friendly and lively, as you can see in the gallery. Unfortunately, he died tragically when he was 11 months . His curiosity and intelligence was enormous, and he had learned to open a gate in collaboration with Jerry, which Jerry had never done alone in 10 years.